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MICROCLINE (var. ADULARIA, MOONSTONE): The adularia or moonstone variety of microcline, a potassium aluminum silicate and member of the feldspar group, occurs in compact masses. Its translucence and diagnostic, silvery-white-to-soft-blue, moon-like sheen, known as adularescence, make it a valuable gemstone.

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HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: The adularia or moonstone variety of orthoclase has been known since antiquity.  It is named for its diagnostic, blue-white sheen that is known as adularescence.  Adularia or moonstone is collected in Myanmar, Canada, Switzerland, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia, Tanzania, India, and the United States (California, Virginia, Colorado).

MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: The adularia or moonstone variety of the feldspar mineral microcline [potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi3O8] crystallizes in the triclinic system as compact masses of tiny, layered crystals.  It is translucent to opaque and varies widely in color, but is distinguished by a diagnostic adularescence, a silvery-white to soft-blue, moon-like sheen that results from the diffusion of reflected of light.  It has a Mohs hardness of 6.0-6.5, an uneven-to-conchoidal fracture, and a specific gravity of 2.54-2.70.  Adularia or moonstone occurs as compact masses within silica-rich igneous rocks.

METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES:  Adularia or moonstone has served as a gemstone for more than 3,000 years.  It is cut and polished into cabochon forms to display the attractive adularescence that makes it a popular gemstone.  It is worn as pendants and in rings, earrings, and bracelets.  According to metaphysical practitioners, adularia or moonstone forms a tangible connection with the magic of the moon, provides protection for travelers, creates a path to wisdom, instills hope, and offers access to the natural rhythms of life.

COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: The adularia or moonstone variety of microcline is collected for its attractive adularescence and its value as a gemstone


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