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Chakra Stone Kit



A wonderful kit for introducing yourself to balancing your chakras.





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Chakra Stone Kit 

Root: Red Jasper- strong spiritual grounding stone.

Sacral: Amber- energizing, increased creativity.

Solar Plexus: Citrine uplifting, strengthens ones confidence and connection to source.

Heart: Rose Quartz and Aventurine. Rose Quartz- pure love, self-love, and healing of past hurts.  Aventurine- healing on the physical plane, growth.

Throat: Blue lace Agate- stone of communication.  Facilitating a smooth flow of words when speaking your truth.

3rd eye: Amethyst- psychic awareness, aids with addictions.

Crown: Clear Quartz- quartz is considered a “Master Healer”, also amplifies the energy of other stones.

Note: These are brief introductory descriptions of the properties of  each stone.




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