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Carrollite 2" x 1 1/2"


This mineral, having lustrous silvery-gray to dark-gray crystals, carrollite is a rare sulfide that crystallizes in the isometric system.



Locality: Republic of Congo

SKU: CAR1. Tags: .

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HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Carrollite was discovered in Carroll County, Maryland, and recognized as a mineral species in 1852.  It is named for Carroll County.  Carrollite is a rare mineral with relatively few collecting localities.  Notable sources are found in Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Zambia, China, and the United States (Maryland, Colorado, New Jersey, Alaska).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Carrollite [copper cobalt sulfide, CuCo2S4], pronounced CARE-uh-lite, is a rare sulfide that crystallizes in the isometric system as well-developed, silvery-gray to dark-gray cubes and octahedrons, and also occurs in massive and granular forms.  Crystals are usually quite small.  It has a Mohs hardness of 4.5-5.5; poor cleavage in one direction; a mirror-like, metallic luster; and a specific gravity of 4.5-4.8.  Carrollite occurs in hydrothermal vein deposits in association with pyrite, bornite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, quartz, and calcite.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Modern metaphysical practitioners believe that carrollite provides protection against psychic attacks, reinforces the concepts that love transcends fear and that we create our own realities, and enhances and clarifies spiritual communication.  Because of its rarity, carrollite has no technological uses.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Carrollite is collected for its mineralogical rarity, rarity of sizeable crystals, unusual chemical composition as one of the relatively few cobalt-bearing minerals, high degree of cubic-crystal development, and associations in composite specimens with such minerals as quartz and calcite.

SKU: CAR1 Tag: .


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