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Chabazite Crystal Mineral


Its name stems from the Greek chabazios, an archaic term for “stones.” it is often collected for its unusual yellowish and pinkish-yellow color and pseudocubic crystals.

Size: 3″ X 3.25

Locality: Nova Scotia

SKU: CHAB2. Tags: .

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Chabazite Crystal Mineral



HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Mineralogists recognized chabazite as a mineral species in 1792.  It was renamed chabazite-Ca in 1997 in a revision of zeolite-mineral nomenclature.  Its name stems from the Greek chabazios, an archaic term for “stones.”  Collecting localities are located in India, China, Iceland, Nova Scotia, Australia, and the United States (New Jersey, Wyoming, Arizona).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Chabazite-Ca, [hydrous calcium aluminum silicate, Ca2(Al4Si8O24)·13H2O] is a zeolite mineral that crystallizes in the hexagonal (trigonal) system as rhombohedrons with a pseudocubic shape.  It has a Mohs hardness of 4.5, vitreous luster, poor cleavage in three directions, and a specific gravity of 2.0-2.1.  It is usually yellow or pinkish-yellow in color, but occasionally is white, pink, or red.  Chabazite-Ca occurs primarily in vugs in basaltic rocks in association with other zeolite minerals and quartz.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Chabazite-Ca is too rare to have any technological uses.  Because of its rarity and relative softness, it has no use in jewelry.  According to metaphysical practitioners, chabazite-Ca helps to focus energy where it is most needed or beneficial, aids in ridding one of addictive habits or behavior, provides the initiative needed to take control of one’s life, and enhances endurance, perseverance, and tenacity.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Chabazite-Ca is collected for its unusual yellowish and pinkish-yellow color and pseudocubic crystals.

SKU: CHAB2 Tag: .


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