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Danburite Crystal Mineral Specimen


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It is transparent to translucent and can be white, colorless, or pale shades of pink and yellow.

Size: .25″ X .5″ X 1″

Locality: Characas, Mexico

SKU: DANN1. Tags: .

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Danburite Crystal Mineral Specimen



HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Danburite was discovered at Danbury, Connecticut, and recognized as a mineral species in 1839.  It is named for the city in which it was discovered.  Notable collecting localities are found in Mexico, Russia, Bolivia, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Switzerland, Canada, Myanmar, Norway, and the United States (Connecticut, New York, Alaska, California, Washington, Utah).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Danburite [calcium borosilicate, CaB2(SiO4)2], pronounced DAN-burr-ite, crystallizes in the orthorhombic system as prisms with diamond-shaped cross sections and steep, chisel-point-like terminations.  It is transparent to translucent and can be white, colorless, or pale shades of pink and yellow.  It has a Mohs hardness of 7.0, a specific gravity of 3.0, an uneven-to-conchoidal fracture, poor cleavage in one direction, prominent longitudinal striations, and a vitreous luster.  Danburite occurs in hydrothermal veins in association with quartz, fluorite, and orthoclase, and in contact metamorphic rocks with wollastonite and andradite.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERITES, LORE, USES: As an uncommon mineral, danburite has no technological uses.  Transparent crystals are occasionally faceted into collectors’ gems.  According to metaphysical belief, danburite facilitates enlightenment, alleviates stress and anxiety, fosters calm in difficult situations, and furthers acceptance of one’s self and others.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Danburite is collected for its attractive, well-developed crystals and range of pale colors, and is especially popular in composite specimens with quartz.


SKU: DANN1 Tag: .


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