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LAZULITE 1.5″ X 2″


Blue to blue-green in color, lazulite is an uncommon phosphate mineral that crystallizes in the monoclinic system in bipyramidal or tabular crystals.


Locality: Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada

SKU: LAZ6. Tags: , , , .

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HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Mineralogists recognized lazulite as a mineral species in 1795 when it was known as lazurstein (“blue stone”).  In the late 1800s, it was assigned its current name, which stems from the Persian lâzhuward, meaning “heaven” or “blue.”  Although uncommon, small occurrences of lazulite are widespread.  Notable collecting localities are in Canada, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Russia, and the United States (Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maine, California).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Lazulite [basic magnesium aluminum phosphate, MgAl2(PO4)2(OH)2], pronounced LAZH-you-lite, crystallizes in the monoclinic system as bipryamidal or tabular crystals that are frequently twinned, and also occurs in massive and compact forms.  It has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.0, distinct cleavage in one direction, and a specific gravity of 3.1-3.4.  Crystals are translucent to opaque and usually some shade of blue or greenish-blue.  Lazulite is uncommon and occurs in granite pegmatites, replacement deposits, and silica-rich metamorphic rocks.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: According to ancient lore, lazulite was created when “Mother Earth” captured bits of a shattered blue sky after an upheaval of the universe.  Metaphysical practitioners believe that lazulite brings clarity and purity to the energy of the universe, facilitates meditation by promoting tranquility and sanctity, and alleviates stress.  It is a semiprecious gemstone that is faceted into small gems, but its rarity limits its popularity.  Massive lazulite is fashioned into spheres and decorative objects.  Lazulite has no technological uses.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Mineral collectors value lazulite for its range of blue colors, interesting crystal habits, and scarcity of good specimens.


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