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Lebethenite Mineral Specimen



Size: 1.75″ X 2.5″

Locality:  Morenci,  Arizona, USA

SKU: LIB3. Tags: .

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Lebethenite Mineral Specimen



HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Libethenite, pronounced lih-BETH-an-ite, was recognized as a mineral species in 1823.  It is named for its type locality in Libetbánya (German: “Libethen”), Slovakia.  Collecting localities are found in Slovakia, Portugal, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Czech Republic, Chile, France, Germany, Democratic Republic of Congo, England, Zambia, and the United States (Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Libethenite [basic copper phosphate, Cu2(PO4)(OH)] crystallizes in the orthorhombic system as short-to-slightly-elongated prisms, usually on cavity walls as drusy coatings with many small, protruding, wedge-shaped terminations.  Libethenite has a Mohs hardness of 4.0, a specific gravity of 3.8, indistinct cleavage in two directions, an irregular fracture, and a vitreous-to-greasy luster.  It is translucent to subtransparent, with colors ranging from light-to-dark green and olive-green to blackish-green.  Libethenite is a rare, secondary mineral that forms in the oxidized zones of copper deposits, usually from the weathering of apatite-group phosphate minerals.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Because of its rarity, libethenite has no technological or jewelry uses.  According to metaphysical practitioners, libethenite calms the mind in preparation for meditation and frees one from self-imposed restrictions to facilitate free action.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Libethenite is collected for its rarity and range of greenish colors.

SKU: LIB3 Tag: .


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