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Liddicoatite/Tourmaline Mineral Specimen


Liddicoatite is a rare member of the tourmaline family. A basic calcium lithium aluminum oxyborosilicate that crystallizes in the hexagonal system. It occurs in granite pegmatites as slender, prismatic crystals with rounded, triangular cross sections and has a range of reddish colors.

Size: 1.5″ X 1.25″

Locality: Madagascar

SKU: LID2. Tags: .

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Liddicoatite/Tourmaline Mineral Specimen



HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Liddicoatite was recognized as a mineral species in 1977 and named for Richard T. Liddicoat, the American gemologist who devised the modern diamond-grading system. Notable collecting localities are found in Madagascar, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Portugal, Russia, Sri Lanka, and the United States (Alaska).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Liddicoatite [basic calcium lithium aluminum oxyborosilicate, Ca(Li1.5Al1.5)Al6(BO3)3(Si6O18)(OH,O)4], pronounced lidd-ih-COAT-ite, crystallizes in the hexagonal system.  It is a rare, tourmaline-group mineral that occurs as slender, prismatic crystals with rounded, triangular cross sections and also in massive and granular forms.  Transparent to translucent, it is usually pink, red, or purplish-red and less frequently green, brown, or blue.  It has a Mohs hardness of 7.5, poor cleavage in one direction, an uneven fracture, a vitreous luster, and a specific gravity of 3.0.  Liddicoatite occurs primarily in granite pegmatites in association with quartz and other tourmaline minerals.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Because of its rarity, liddicoatite has no technological uses.  It occasionally serves as a gemstone.  Metaphysical practitioners believe that liddicoatite is a shamanic stone that aligns mental processes, promotes understanding and self-confidence, dispels illusions, and provides insight into the causes of conflict and struggle.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Liddicoatite is collected for its rarity and attractive crystals that are usually very well-developed and often multicolored with a wide range of hues.

SKU: LID2 Tag: .


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