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Mimetite Mineral Specimen


Mimetite is collected for its rarity, yellow-to-yellow-orange colors, unusual crystal habits, and frequent association with such other colorful minerals as pyromorphite and vanadinite.

Size: 1.5″ X 2″

Locality: Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico

SKU: MIM3. Tags: .

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Mimetite Mineral Specimen


HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Mimetite, pronounced MEE-meh-tite, was recognized as a mineral species and named in 1835.  Mimetite’s name stems from the Greek mimethes, meaning “to imitate” and alluding to its similarity to pyromorphite. Mimetite is collected in Australia, Mexico, China, Namibia, Germany, England, and the United States (Arizona, Pennsylvania, Idaho).


MINERALOGY, PROPERTIES, OCCURRENCE: Mimetite [lead chloroarsenate, Pb5(AsO4)3Cl] crystallizes in the hexagonal system, usually in the pseudohexagonal habit, and occurs mainly in globular, reniform, botryoidal and incrusting forms, and less frequently in prismatic forms.  It is translucent to transparent with a yellow-to-yellow-orange color, Mohs hardness of 3.5-4.0, poor cleavage, resinous-to-subadamantine luster, and a very high specific gravity of 7.1-7.2.  Mimetite is an uncommon, secondary mineral that forms in the oxidation zones of lead deposits, usually from the alteration of galena and arsenopyrite.  It is often associated with pyromorphite, galena, wulfenite, vanadinite, and barite.  Mimetite can be confused with the chemically similar minerals pyromorphite and vanadinite and sometimes requires laboratory tests for positive identification.


METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: According to metaphysical practitioners, mimetite encourages the spirit of adventure, helps to accept responsibilities, reduces the need to imitate others, and enhances clarity and accuracy while channeling.  Mimetite has no uses in jewelry.  It was a former minor ore of lead.


COLLECTORS’ INFORMATION: Mimetite is collected for its rarity, yellow-to-yellow-orange color, unusual globular crystal habit, and frequent association with such other colorful, oxidized minerals as pyromorphite and vanadinite.

SKU: MIM3 Tag: .


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