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Howlite Tumbled Gem Stone


These beautiful pieces howlite have great shape and each one has a different pattern to it.

The stone was discovered in 1868 by J.D. Dana and named for Canadian chemist H. How who discovered it.

Howlite is a wonder stone for calming upset states of mind and emotion. Howlite is also used to heighten creativity and expand self-expression.

Howlite is primarily associated with the crown chakra, but can also be used to stimulate and balance all the chakras.

Size : approx. size 1″- 1.5″


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Howlite Tumbled Gem Stone


Howlite was named after Henry How, who discovered it in 1868 in Nova Scotia.

Howlite is milky white or grey, and has black or dark brown veins scattered throughout.





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